By Min. Saviour Willie

When detergents or soap is added to water, it weakens the potency of the water. Similarly, the word of God is like the  detergents that is added to the spiritual-being in us [soul]. 

The absence of the word of God to the spiritual-being makes the physical-being [flesh] weak. 

Joshua 1:8 says: “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shall meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make the way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success”…

Spite that there is always a condition attach to every God’s building promises; the meditation of the word of God serves as a feed to the spiritual-being, and the result reflects in the physical. 

In such term, the meditator is seeing as the victor, because of the daily feed on the word of God.  

Once the spiritual-being is starved from it’s daily milk [meditation], the sensitivity of the spiritual-being begins to loose contract with God. Every weapon issued when the spiritual-being was continually fed begins to malfunction. It becomes hard and difficult for the spiritual-being to conquer the enemy. 

God himself made the conditions mandatory. It even reflects in our modern efforts, that thousands had fall into the cauldron of mishappenings, since the feed is not prioritized. 

In one of my album, I  quoted: “Give me Jesus, his word, bury it in me, I am nothing, without his word”.

I quoted these because I saw that the impotency of the spiritual-being affect the physical-being. So, imagining when my soul is fed with the word; imagining, when my heart’s is stamp on his word, it pushes aside insecurity and restores capability on the physical. 

You may think that demons operate only on the physical. If it was so, I don’t think the existence of demons in universe would have been created. But for the fact that, they operate in the Spiritual; if our spiritual-being is not fed with the word of God, demons in the Spiritual will have mighty access to defect such personality. 

Jesus has the Grace, let’s borrow it from him. Let’s not borrow the everyday reproduction of demons from Satan’s womb… the greatest joy anyone would have is the joy of being strong spiritually. Such individual knows that no matter how hard Satan struggle to heap pot of fire on their head, it is impossible. 

Lets be perfect, let’s invite the commandment of God over Abram for perfection [Genesis 17:1]. It’s were our solution lies. Once we believe in perfection, every word swallowed into our heart becomes a reviving blow to darkness. And these is exactly what Satan fears. 


Don’t ever speak evil of the word. If you have read a passage and couldn’t understand, seek counsel.

The word is the building that protects you from satanic rain. Satanic rain may fall, which comes with different desires: kill, destroy or steal. But lack access to you, cus, you are planted inside the word. 

The word guides you. You never think of leaving outside the word. From the date of your spiritual birthday—when heaven sings and claps for your rescue, the word had been a solid foundation ever since you recognize his presence. 

But Satan hates it. He dislikes and hates anyone who hear and abide by the word. That brings you to perpetual, prayerful and prioritizing watchfulness over the weak feed of Satan. 

2.The Decision

From the day you decide not to listen to satanic inspiration, Satan added you to his blacklist. Infact, you are one of a major target. “……..He has made the grave your house, and bed in the darkness [Job 17:13]”… Meaning that, any day you depart or deviate from the decision, the grave becomes your house. So, according to your decision, depart from everything that will draw you into perdition. Your decision is the fuel that powers your entire life. If the fuel is not there, Satan uses his own fuel to control your life. Hence, stick upon the word of God. 

3.The Trust

Yes! You believe and according to your decision, it’ll be hard for you to easily fall. So, Satan strike after your trust. 

If your trust is not magnetized with God; if there’s no conviction that I have an answering God, Satan will strike. 

You may not be able to read all lips inorder for you to be able to know how he strikes. But the truth is sometimes painfier than what we think it could be. Let me shock you! Satan loves your trust. He has applied different techniques to destroy your trust. 

If God gives him a chance to shake you for a while; here is the question: “How will you react? 

Your reaction will determine how sensitive you are in the realm. It’s only few that understands how to handle such situation… Job again said: “ But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the almighty giveth them understanding [Job 32:8]”. If truly the spirit of God dwells in you despite the stones that Satan have thrown on you, the spirit of sensitivity guides you with courage to get through. 

But one that is empty lacks this opportunity. Because, at the time such becomes loosen by the devil, his trust, her trust disappears. Infact, make it easier for he or she to be trapped.

So, don’t just be a reader, adhere to these message and practice it. You’ll soon shine

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