Real Attitude Pays


Rarely have I seen anything that can be so powerful as a person's attitude. Rarely have I seen anything that can be so devastating...

For some, their attitude help them finds opportunities in every difficulty while some finds difficulties in every opportunity. Some climbs obstacle with a positive attitude and others fall because of the negative outlook. Your attitude can either attract success or repel it. Which of these tendencies describe you?

Before you can answer that, let me give you some good news.

You can choose which it'll be!

How is this possible? Because your attitude is a choice and choice is the selection of the most pressing wants out of a range of alternatives. Your attitude is not a feelings, nor is it as a result of events or circumstances, good and bad. We are all individually responsible to builds our views of life. The Bible says in Galatians 6:7; "Whatever you sow, this you will also reap". Our attitude towards our life  and our subsequent actions will help us determine what will happen to us. Your future looks bright when your attitude is right, and makes it presence much more enjoyable, too. 

More than any other factor, the condition of your attitude will determine:

  • The quality of your relationship with other people 

  • Whether you can turn a problem into a blessing

  • Whether you become a victim of defeat or a student of success. 

The simple fact attitude "makes" and some while "breaking" others is a significant enough reason to explore how it works and how it is cultivated. The attitude we develop will cause us to see life either as a series of opportunities or in terms of the probabilities for failure. How a person's defines life events will do more than anything else to determine his or her potential for success in life. How true it is that you are one attitude away from your bright future. 

Your attitude matters! A warning moves out of a father's lip just to bolster your spirit with fresh hope that there's hope on the core if only your attitude can be transform from what you hear to a permanent change life. But first you have to be convinced that a great attitude is the most important characteristics you should develop this year and every year! 

If you can deny all the solid backup and be determine to put on this  life-changing attitude, the process of permanent change will be joyful journey adventure. Also note that this will not only change you but also will change every person that come in contact with you.



#never_turn blue...

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