Proverb said "......remove not the ancient landmark (Greatness) God have set in you. Proverb 22:28

Every being were specially created for a purpose wherewithal defined the importancy of Greatness to humanity. 

God understood from birth why women should exist in man's life. Man cannot survive alone especially in this heart—broken world. Man may have existed but not to the extends of bearing children. 

Woman came not just as an help—meet but also as a capitalizing force to man. Hallelujah!! 

Greatness is the purpose that lies in you. God planted it like a seed in your life and anything who tries to rapture it from you is not from God. 

Remember Satan track God's own with just three meaningless letters. If he can't kill you. He will rather destroy you or steal the virginity in you. 

Your eyes are the vivid camera which captures everything that comes into your life, so, watchfulness is necessary.

Every Greatness is built on a rock (Jesus) and if yours is not built on the rock, then, remember that something is wrong. Either you're not ready to stand firm on the rock or you're willing to negotiate with rockless foundation. And satan is not happy of whom you are. 

Jesus said in his word "You are a peculiar nature, a shining star and an heavenly achiever'. "You are a royal priesthood and was back-up by a verse in proverb 22:1 which says "Greater, better, higher is an unbreakable, untouchable name. 

Demon flees once that name is voiced. ''A child with future mansions that can never collapse. A child who stands on undissolvable rock, make Satan burns in harsh.

Jesus said 'Let not your heart be troubled [let not your future be drawn]: believe in God. John 14:1. In wisdom language, Jesus was pointing at the Greatness of the future that resides in an humbly zone. He was referring to you, of the future benefit you gonna enjoy. He said, don't be afraid of what natural man can do. Of course, your natural look may be destroy but the Greatness of your life lies in the future of your hope. And that is the mansions in heaven. 

There is something in you that they are fighting to get and that can be your salvation, your uniqueness, your vibrancy and the lights of your life which is Jesus [Mathew 5:14-16]. But my father which dwells in heaven would protect, guide and secure your life until the very end. Keep fear far from your dwelling place and let the joy of Greatness reflect on your smiles.

You are Great and was joyfully carved in the eyes of the creator. Everything you deserve to prosper on this natural planet lies in your hands. And the journey begins from now. Now about the start, it's about the end. 
Jesus wanted the best for all its kind. Been part of a church does not make you best of Jesus even if you're given a role to play. It is what lies in your heart that magnetize God. Greatness are the dreams of every human. 

Nobody want to be poor or seeks to be punished. Everyone admires Greatness. 

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