Conversation opened.


Image result for images for gun men on see battling with sailing ships

                          The Sailing Trinity



        Hiragana on romaji freeway station running down main port, and drive by Miyazaki corny tractors and control by kanji pulling machine. Some worker's wearing skinny jeans while planting contour bridges; some gathering conical edges to avoid accident, some sat on the meddle belt paddling electronic hooks, some demarcating the roadside with poster colour. Each passing by chokes air and the burning lips dealt exhaustively. A small cluster of damage ships framed the rectangular part and few ships stood at each controlling port.

Night clock draws nearer and the wall became black, cold and break
wind and Shima ingles spake in breath of rest that surround the ponds
and the rivers to blossom the ears of his workers. Shima ingles was
once an administrative hanging bunch engineering agency (AHBEA). He
lives at nothernix kaolin Pacific badge over a grey sea flecked with
cyan gold stretched out to muddy patches of green Iceland held back by
 rock wall.
    Overhead, Creek theft screeches, falling behind romaji freeway
main port where lit foil window beacon in narky Snow's.
          Hiragana have drawn by and away since Shima ingles bed his
roses to work, and the Snow's bleed in crank rocks and harsh grasses.
It grew but withered away during his pipe dreaming season, it was full
of fun. Shima ingles partner barefooted with his worker's to complete
the contour bridge and ended it all.

    As the winter breezes cold, goofy drop of rain wing the sailing
ships out to romaji freeway near her down-link; some Creek theft strafe
in shooting up the air, some pirating round the sea. The capt.
cursor's for positive signal, and yet, it has been the
theft. Creek theft are militants operating on sea level of romaji

    Captain katakana landed spontaneously from the sea plane. It was
surrounded by cargo ships  granulated lollipop whom Creek theft had
stolen. He is a retired serviette, a Casanova who'd slept with bullets
and arm everyone he See's with sea level armor bearer. Creek theft
shook out in guns on air, at shot coverage of the sea without captain
katakana awareness. Some pirating with ironic canoe's ruddering , and
some awaiting to see what he's capable of doing.
   Captain katakana whose wife has been buried, whose children are
political biter's, and whose ambition aim at fighting to his
thirst........ waited and waited, on his mind, thinking how to escape.
     One of his Serge 'trus cley' at arm's length seek genuine grace
from him to put down their lifespan, and without contemplating captain
katakana surrounded all his amulet both his soldiers own to them.
Little by little Creek theft pushing forward, captain katakana gasp
shuddering past his long stiff hairs that grows near his mouth
struggling to stand as his legs trembled and the bones in his chest
got slapped. Creek popped him up and walked him down the gangway.
Suki sited on ass's colt woodsman Kindle down her flame of hunger,
singing as if she'd receive punky pooped tea. Punky pooped tea was a
powerful vegetable drink meant for warrior's at the battle field. She
has a yellowish brown fur secured by the wreath of shabby grey head,
and her emerald ear rings swung from the lobes of her ears, and her
emerald necklace which she'd fastened with a single dropped of stone
at the center.
   She'd been staring at her colt in morose  attorney when she heard
the sound of a milling crowd, shooting and blasting bullets on air. It
was the Creek theft coming. She sat in her ass's colt like a molden
stone. Her splashing lid's stand's still, and her foot remain covered
with dark bandage. She pull out dark mud cabs from the soil, and
covered her face.
    Creek theft keep moving until they reach her sitted position. They
murmured saying ' This is the pillar of salt we saw in Jerusalem'  and
Physics, one of the Creek, wearing animal skin, tall and had had a
motile structure. Call in the attention of his men to maintain silent
gathering. He took curving stamp out from his gun and commanded one of
his Creek saying "could you give the moldenstone a check?"
   Gumbo, one of the Creek, king of allahte, son to the present
Governor rulling romaji freeway. He joined Creek theft when a friend
of his tortured his flesh with scolded belt after the teacher had left
the class. He did that, because he needed powerful backbone's. He went
to check himself up. After pre-checked, he discover that, she wasn't a
pillar rather a scandium vanadium human. Unfortunate to him, her bone
crack and he got her exposed.
  Physics gasp and gasp! He gasp and gasp all the same thrice. Suki
looked down on him while contemplating in silence and captain katakana
was afraid to speak, he'd no choice to be arrested. He
swish....swish.....swish......swish his voice aggressively through the
air, she heard the sound and perceive the thirst.
    Physics brought her to captain katakana saying 'kiss her lips' He
could manage touching her burning lips, it was all about death. He
pushed himself forward, capturing her lips', touching her in a rough
sexual way that got her enrage.
      He then ordered Carica papaya, one of them in the highest rank
to pushed them forward.
   A large mass of ice formed by snow on mountain shark moves slowly
to were they stayed. Mountain shark was the tallest mountain opposite
romaji freeway believe to be visited by ghost wizard.
Creek theft dragged their flush against toby shaw, blaming her for she
is responsible. Hitting the air with bulk, he later dropped it's
potting bullets on her, she's dead and captain katakana shook his head
in disbelief. Physics ordered Carica papaya to take him away. Suki
from her spiritual wall; she'd travel far distance from thence as she
was shot. Her ass's colt had fled away. She then controls the wind
that blew, lashed out with her claws into physics.
  For dark hour to pay it price, the Creek wondered why should Physics
be talking to himself, saying 'we haven't heard any sound from him',
she took away their source if strength and she hitted the land with
       Gumbo rushed out waving hand up the sky, and knew how often she
smile's. Suki appeared to him, shaking her hand toward the bridge of
captain katakana. She was telling him to release him and gumbo refused
shaking his foot and dust it. The ground began shaking, she'd unsealed
the border's between they Creek and mortal fiance captain katakana.
   They Creek saw this and ran away, all left their weapon.

Later in days.
Gumbo was unable to contact the address of his Creek. Carica papaya
found dead; he was eaten by chimpanzee on his way of rescue, and gumbo
got potted by ghost witch along his travailing lurd, violent wind
swept through the land and got him stuck in icy stoic.
  'Trus cley' call in captain katakana, arm forces came for their
rescue. Suki had appeared to him, she was telling him that, she still
love him, and she gave him a clothes to put on, and she promise to be
with him always.
             Shima ingles now wokes from sleep, wokes his workers too.
As they stood up, all discover that thundering smokes had disturbs the
smooth surface of their bridge and that was after Suki grin horrible
at mount shark tickling an old battered machines in advance to freeze
  Shima ingles got paid and a new appointment by his local city
chairman, and for doing a nice job.
