written and edited by: Saviour Willie


Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance. Psalm 33:12

Every life stands to represent a nation and branches found stands to indicate the states. Your life is a nation: govern by two unlimited bodies. If you should continue building up the branches of your life with heavenly doctrines then you must deny Satan (the uninvited alien) and never let him control you. 

In Psalm 33:18 Bible said: the eye of the Lord is upon the nation's that fear him. Maybe you probably didn't want to sin but one of the state lured you or you try overcoming but the aroma was much on you that you started licking through the air

In such condition, only mercy from God can watch you thoroughly. As the eye of the Lord watches over the nation's that fear him, so is expected of you to watch over your state and see what is needed to repair the leakages....

It is true that watchfulness is scampered in our state. Humans only care after their life, working hard to get the nation furnish and long-lived while the state are in great suffering. It is true none is perfect more than the creator even as we strive to be perfect.

The following part of the body which represent a state can become a reason to why our nation is only like but not rewarded and not chosen by the most high —psalm 33:12


Every hands serve as a state in a nation. A nation cannot be build without the complete usage of the hands. Mind you, a nation can stand without the help of the hand ✋ ✋. There are human nation who were created with every other part except the hands and yet flourishes. Bible also added that "if your hands be willing to engage you in sin cut it off, for it is better you live as if you had no hands and still flourish than have hands and go to hell.

Human nation's with hands had experience some dramatic swellings which had led to them regretting why hands were given to them.

Mind you what are dramatic swellings? Things you love doing that you know are sinful and can lead to death. Just imagine your hands pushing someone to the bed, at that moment fornicating, Or imagine you as a whole fingering your private box to see if there is an increase or not. 

Just imagine you going through the scene of appearing twice on someone's lip whose price had not been paid for or imagine you planning to fail by concentrating for some hours a shape mobile. You won't say you had no chance or it was the hand who forced you to act like it was a mistake. It wasn't a mistake it was what you've programmed in the heart [the federal capital of your nation] for million of years and wanted implementing and finally had a suitably privilege to display it. Same way you can't force a horse to drink water less he is thirsty. 

But there is one thing that can make aright your state [✋ ✋] and that is by confession of sin afterwhich makes clean the hands. 

"He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart, who hath not lifted up his soul into vanity, nor sworn deceitfully shall receive the blessings from the Lord,.... Psalm 24:4-5

🔰🔰🔰 THE HEART 💘💘

This is the federal capital of every human nation and it is the centre for both good and evil. 

It is from these margin that unlike vehicles transporting heavy goods drives in. Jesus Christ and his Messengers are some of the spiritual vehicles that comes into your heart with heavy goods such as:

👑 Salvation

👑 Sanctification

👑 Purification

👑 Love

👑 Holiness

👑 Conviction, etc

to revive the heart and make it sinless; while Satan and his hordes are the other Spiritual vehicles that also take part in the race. 

You must be cautious if surely wanna enjoy the favours of heaven because those packages above cannot be possess by a carnal nation. You might be wandering the heart is invisible then how come it becomes the federal capital of every human nation that exist?

Yes! Believe me You can't see the heart. Forget about the heart of some dying animals or dying humans. It may have the same bony structure and design, but the freshness of it is not alike. Can you imagined something giving response to your external feelings? Without the heart 💓 💓, you can only look through but can't lust. Forget about the brain interpretation in connection with the eye. It is the federal capital that narrates the feelings to the brain in a wiring form and the brain pick interest in capturing the image of such nude. 

The heart 💘💘 predict the movement of your carnal feelings and tells the leg where to go and the eye where to look and the mouth what to speak. So you see the heart does not work alone what makes it central and federal is the call-to-action command which is a must every state that is survive in a nation must obey. 

There are five legal states that are capitalize by the heart. They are: 





Each of these state plays an important role in building human nation's. If only the nation's would accept to live by the commandment of the unlimited bodies and also cleave to God without the tendency to go astray. 

🔰🔰🔰🔰 THE LEGS 

You have a say to where your leg ought to go and where it ought not to go depending on who govern your nation. Like some mother's would blame other people children for influencing their children into cultism. Apart from the one that is implemented spiritually, your child has authencity to control his movement nomatter how bewildering such attack is. Bible added: Iron sharpeneth iron. Where you go with your leg determine what will happen if you are compounded with bad friends. So, you got to be vigilant. 

Your leg can only listen to you and you alone if only you listen to God. If God say this is the path for you to follow, it is up for you and if he says this is not the path for you; divert from such walk and think big (Ben Carson). Only in Christ you have the opportunity to speak to your legs and it obey. Below are what God expects you to do with your legs. Read them carefully and try to meditate upon. 

🎲 God expects you to visit other states outside the circle, binded with shackles and unveil to them the greatness of his coming (Mark 16:15)

🎲 God expect you to walk up to others and reveal to them the danger of sinful hearts which can hinder one from receiving answers to prayers. Psalm 66:18. 

🎲 God expects you to get out and sow good seed so as to reap positively. Exodus 20:9

🎲 As a student, God expects you to attend extra moral classes to add to the knowledge you've acquired so as not to associate with compromisers.

🎲 God expects you to attend Christlike programs so as to keep your spiritual life awake. 


Also, there are things God does not require from us

❌ God does not expects us to disobey his commandment of mark 16:15. Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. 

❌ God does not expects us to attend sinful parties where lot of Sodom and Gomorrah cultures are practiced. He doesn't want us to get engage with any criminal activities because he See's from beyond the aftermaths. 

❌ God does not expects us to buy the attention of unmarried or married men and women to our house without the parents approval (bride price) because he knows how powerful the flesh is and without consciousness, something might happen. 

❌ God does not expects us to be initiated into a secret meeting (cultism) or whatever evil. 

🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰 THE EYES 👀👀

Every eye has a function and needs to be control (1 Corinthians 12:17). Not everything you glance through seems real! Some are what will blurred your eyes completely forever.  God expects us to be watchful over what we focus our eyes on inorder to prevent negative influence. If you'd discover that you're a type that easily got drunk by the beauty of the flesh each time you put a stare on, kindly withdraw your eye and if possible practice eye management to protect the greatness of your Godly design future. 

You are the small devil you think of. God embedded in each nation's a two-part choices and one of them seems to be the one you choose to walk with. If you choose Jesus Christ to be the controller of your heart, then you are the small god you think of but if otherwise choose something rather than Jesus Christ, then you are the small devil. In easence, due to the choice you placed, control over the eyes become easy. So, make a good turn today. 

🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰 🔰 THE EARS 👂👂

You can't interprete the words of Satan standing before you without the usage of the ear. In times of dialogue, our ears plays a major. God understood the major purpose of creating a space for hearing in humans organ. 

Most relationships crahes as a result of one nation falling into the pan of another nation. What I'm I saying? 

Let me tell you a story about a girl. I don't know whether she have name. Ofcourse she would have earthly name, but here in these story, she's just a girl. But the message is what should impressed you, not the name. 

A girl is standing before you and your eye is running so fast that any comment she make turns your heart to a bloody jail. You try to control yourself and you can't. The reason is clear, the girl is not just a flesh you see but a natural Satan (1 John 3:8). And the best thing you can do at the moment Is to insert a spiritual ear and deafen the physical ear. But once the spiritual ear is deafen, it create a blockage between the voices from heaven and opens up the physical for Satan and its agents to penetrate. 

Above all, God wishes to extend his blessings to nation's whose states are purely cleansed and free from adamic nature's. Psalm 33:12

".Blessed Is the Nation whose GOD is the LORD, and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance....". 

What kind of nation are you? It's left for you to make a new turn today and have a better life. Good luck!!


👍 Recycling the nature in you (click me)

👍 Every Second day of the week is your miracle day (Click me and share)

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You may not understand the importance of recycleship; until you've experience diver tortures from an opponent. Satan is the opponent over every single man on Earth; until you are exposed to his tortures, you won't understand the Spiritual calculation of recycleship. 

Jesus came for recycleship. John 3:16. He came to recycle our life, take away the old garment, and put us into the new light. Every moment that our life is recycle, comes a unique differences shining upon the gloves of our life. 

Take for instance: we as human, have an inbuilt dying nature, that only our heart can truly define whom we are in secrets; but there lies an heavenly structure of deliverance which can sets us ablaze for the kingdom. 

But these same dying nature is responsible for our daily pitfalls and failures of life. Only his connection with us can recycle our dying nature and restore a-new frame of lifestyle. Bible said in Ecclesiastes 27:29: If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature —old things are passed away; and behold all things are become new..."

If any man is recycled from an old-nature (dying); it lead to eternal fragmentation. He is a new creature. Life is now present in such personality. The poster-face of what he was yesterday is now affected by group trend (changing from old-nature to new-lights). 

Old things are passed away. After recycling, Bible unveils that old things are passed away.... His old adamic nature's are flushed out. And because of his new found living faith, heaven are now donating packages for his favours. 

God loves every man and woman; for long that our ways of life does not contradicts any, he still feel right, even to grant our hearts. But now is the question. How do we know the opponent fire is not in us, burning? What makes you think, you are free and isolated from self?

Yeah!! You've heard his word severally and continually. You don't miss church activities any day. You provide all necessary steps to make sure, his spirit lives in you. But have you been recycled? Maybe you are just hiding yourself to understand the midst of crowds; but you definitely know who you are: An unrecycled product that could ever start exhibiting tetravalent characters! 

God wants you to step out of the shade you think you are. Probably to your perspective it's alright. You definitely don't understand how itching it'll be when you worn-out of the line. 

Today, lot of us practice inescapable idolatry right inside our house.... Spite the fact that we are heavenly minded, we are drown by the ocean of nonagonix doctrine and not by what Christ emphasized during his early missionary. 

Instead of having an expected blessings, we end up serving a worn-out image completely carved by a native juju and non-reactive. 

The playout becomes what we definitely don't like. I think, this is the hour majority of us go on break; searching for a way-healer [pastor, prophet, apostle, evangelist, bishop], who has fuller access to the throne. But we never remember the creator, the son. He died that we might be saved. He died that we might have a new found life. 

No nature is pure with man, unless he diverts from the Line and  accept the recycliant [Jesus]. Bible described that, man nature was completely cursed the day after-which first-human committed evil right there at Eden. 

From thence, man lost the opportunity of divine enrichment. But because of Love, and passion for his children, he created another means of tracking his only begotten children. Christ died and was resurrected. He knew, that our nature's were full of faded bulbs. He knew that our natures were sealed into an unopen bin. But we claimed to must've had nature's! Unaware that the real nature was sealed into an unopen bin. Only him has the power to melt the seal and restore our nature's. 

Again, after hearing his touching story; we deliberately went back to that same old nature and deep in ourselve. It wasn't long, we started feeling the absenteeism of what we did was wrong. We never asked for recycleship. Even though we've learnt it severally in our combined subjects; we feel there's no superiority in inferiority. 

Your nature must receive Light! I don't care whoever is reading this; but I speak because I'm happy, my life is been recycled. I'm no longer the dung you use to know. I'm now his reflection. I'm now his possibility. I'm now his reality and faithfulness. All you need is in him. He gives everyone according to their wishes. There's no failure with him. He hears even when you cry. 

G.U.C asked in one of his album: what is it that God cannot do?

What is it that God cannot change?

What is it that God cannot provide?

I want to assure you that nomatter how terrible your problem is. Jesus is here to say it is over. Wipe your tears. Dust your face. If possible, get yourself some snacks and cool your system. For it is over. Just give me a chance in your life, and see what will definitely happen. I know, you will doubt, but just a trust today could pull this weave off your site. I want you to be connected, consecrated, crucified, co-heirs, commissioned and crowned with me. You won't remain in that valley of humiliation anymore. Because of the Spiritual experimentation that has been carried out successfully in your life. Because of the door you've open for me to enter. I'm happy. I will bless you. 

Don't you want all those packages? I know you want it. Your mind is divided .You don't even know what to do! But I tell you, my presence in your life marks the end of your sorrows.

Have you heard of Sodom? Perhaps you haven't heard. I will tell you. Your dying nature is as ugly as Sodom. But you need to escape by accepting me before my wrath come upon you. You heard what happen to lots wife? Genesis 13:10-13; 19:1:6:17. She didn't want to let-go the dying nature. I gave her a test. I told her, this is what you will do, to score 100 percent. But she failed the test, because of the left-behind nature. I told her not to turn back. But she turn!! I know she has wandering during the race the ugly of such a home. But I felt pity, she lost her favour. 

Do you want yours to be like that? It's not too late. Your nature can be unsealed and replaced with these damage one, if only you are determine to change for better....

You just need him; he must be install to your life and given full access to the potentialities in you. Psalmist 8:4 said: God is mindful of you... Nomatter how difficult your hell is, just take a bold step and walkout. God is mindful of you. He doesn't want you to get missing. Give him a holy place today and see his recycling adjustment in your life .



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